Senin, 22 Juni 2020


how many days is it already?
i can't count anymore!

second by second
minute by minute
day by day
month by month
and a year had been passed
but my love never fading.

something that i know,
i'm still hoping for you
i'm still in love with you...

i said "yes" to others,
while i always pray to say your name
i said "i won't" to you,
while my heart always seek for you.

in the middle of the night
sometimes i cried
i don't know why
i felt panicked
then i imagined
i slept with your arm around me
then i imagined
i slept with your palm pat my head
then i imagined
i slept with your "it's okay" voice.
how weak my heart is,
how weak my mind is,
how weak my soul is,
when it comes to you.

i need you
i want you
but what can i do?
i just stay still
for your name.....

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